Anticipating Heaven

Apr 17, 2013

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. ~ John 14:3, ESV

Quick Sip

So often in life we forget where we’re really going. We so get bogged down with the housework, laundry, cooking, and jobs inside and outside the home that we don’t have time to look up and remember. But I find that when God peels back the sky a little and gives me a glimpse of heaven, then the daily grind doesn’t seems so grinding anymore. I remember that it all has a purpose.

A few weeks ago, God did that for me. He peeled back the sky and gave me a glimpse. I felt a tiny bit of what it must be like to be so close to heaven you can taste it. So close to home.

We’d found a house we liked in the email from our realtor, and I was on my way to see it! It really seemed to good to be true. A pretty home, with the rooms we wanted, on enough land, in an excellent school system, near a church we thought a possibility. I was so eager to see it!

I was excited like a kid at Christmas. Not stressed, just eagerly anticipating. But unlike a kid at Christmas, I wasn’t demanding or going to be disappointed. I knew this potential home looked good like so many before it, but I still desired what God wanted for our family even more.

Like us anticipating heaven, I had a little information about this home, but didn’t have all the details. I think the excitement and anticipation I felt as I was on my way to see the house, must be a little bit of what it is like to anticipate heaven. When you’ve heard a little bit about it, and you’re so close to being there that you can’t wait for God to finally throw open the doors and finally welcome you home. To say, “Yes, this. The time is now. Come!”

This reminder of heaven has kept me going for several weeks. It helped me to realize that all the time and energy I’m putting into my family has a greater purpose. That there is something more. I pray God does the same for you today. I pray that in some way he peels back the sky and gives you just the glimpse of heaven you need today.

Full Cup

To learn more about the physical place Heaven, our ultimate home, read Revelation 21 and 22.

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