Fiction Friday ~ Jump

Apr 19, 2013

“So why the big blog announcement?” Will asked gripping the counter. “Why didn’t we discuss it first. I am your fiance, or was, I guess.”

Sarah sat down at the breakfast nook table and took the tea cup in her hands soaking in it’s warmth. She stared out the window into the garden at her mom working in the rose bush flower bed. “I just had to jump in and do it. I knew if we talked, I would never go ahead with it. You know?”

“Yes, I know. Isn’t that the point? Sort of? Isn’t that why you talk things out with those who are important to you, Sarah?” Will had crossed the room and was now leaning on the edge of the table staring into her eyes. “Or am I no longer important to you?”

“You are, Will, but I can’t walk away from this…”

Fiction Friday is for me to have fun and get back in the habit of writing fiction. I hope you enjoy it! To check out the previous installments of this story click here. The first one is at the bottom.

I’m using the Gypsy Mama’s Friday prompts to get me started. Every Friday writers join together at for Five Minute Friday. One word, five minutes, no editing, and no back tracking. Come join the fun!


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  1. Denise

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Marcy Hanson

    Stopping in for FMF and Ohh, I’m intrigued! What did she jump on?? Now you have to finish the story for us. πŸ™‚

  3. alyssa zech

    This is great idea; A link up cross over! I will have to check out the other installments for sure

  4. Mel

    Love this idea! And, I agree…what comes next? πŸ™‚ Happy Friday!

  5. Megan Eccles

    Love the bit of fiction! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who jumps in that direction! If you’re ever looking for more fiction link ups:,, and have some awesome prompts! (I have a prompt problem)

  6. Amy

    I hate you only wrote for 5 minutes I would love to read more of Sarah and Will’s story.

  7. Amy

    Love it! I want to know what happens next!

  8. Beth

    What a wonderful approach to FMF prompts. I’m intrigued to read more. Happy Friday!

  9. Brie

    I think I read one of these a few weeks ago (must have if this is your Friday thing!) and it was nice to pick up again. I love this idea. πŸ™‚

  10. T. L. Cole

    Thank you for all the kind words, Ladies! It’s getting harder, but I enjoy the challenge.

    Thank you for the prompt links, Megan! I’ll have to check some of those out when I’m stuck.

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