Daily Quiet Time: Summer Studies

May 31, 2013

Hi Friends!
Thank you so much for your patience while I’ve been gone this month. At first I was sick with several infections that left me flat on my back. Then as soon as I felt better, I had to being packing for our move back to Oklahoma this Saturday. Now I’m back, though, and am ready to get going again. Since we’re all heading into the summer rush, let’s think about some ways we can keep working toward our goal of spending time with God each day…
Now that the summer’s begun, you may have kids out of school or be out of school yourself. Or if you’re like me, life doesn’t change much, but it just gets much, much busier with additional activities and trips.
So how do we make time for God in the midst of Summer’s crazies?
Here are some ideas you might try:
  • A short devotional. When I know life is going to be crazy, sometimes I grab a short devo that I know to be encouraging and thought provoking. A review of some of my favorites can be found here and here.
  • A guide. Maybe you’ve done great keeping up with Bible study and prayer time with a group, but you really struggle with it on your own. The Busy Mom’s Guide to Bible Study and The Busy Mom’s Guide to Prayer are two great resources to help you strike out on your own. Lisa Whelchel begins both books by walking you through the steps to Bible study and prayer respectively. Then as the books continue, she gradually lets go of your hand, so you begin to walk and do it on your own. These are both great resources that beginners and long timers can learn from. You don’t even have to be a mom to get a lot out of them!
  • A new Bible. If you’re in the market for a new Bible or just need something new and fresh to get you moving again, check out The Busy Mom’s Bible. It has short devos divided into one, five, and ten minute increments. Find my full review here.
  • A online group Bible study. Maybe you’re thinking, “But I really miss the group accountability and sharing that I have in a Ladies Bible class.” If so, come visit us over in our Over A Cup Facebook group. Though I’m taking the summer off while we’re moving, some godly, encouraging ladies in our group are going to continue this summer with Good Morning Girl’s study of the book Anything, by Jennie Allen. It looks like it will be really good! Click on the links above to request to join our group and find out more information about the study.
Whatever you may decided to study this summer, you’re always welcome to come share any thoughts and prayers you may have in our Facebook group. Every Thursday this summer, I’ll post a “Thursday Thoughts” picture to remind us, but you’re welcome to share anytime you have a thought or a prayer request.
There are many, many more ideas out there, but I hope the ideas above will help jumpstart your summer studies and keep you on track to reach your goal of spending time with God each day.
Love you all! Keep drawing close to God!
I have not been compensated in anyway for the above information and reviews. These are simply resources I find helpful, and I hope you do, too.

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