Trusting God’s “Yes!”

Jun 3, 2013

There I was driving to look at yet another house with the radio going. The song “Whom shall I Fear” by Chris Tomlin seemed to be playing over and over. The part of the song “I know who goes before…” kept resonating with me. “Ok, God,” I prayed, “if this is where you want us, then please make buying this house go through as smooth as a hot knife through butter.”

I made it to the house with time to spare and checked out the neighborhood. It seemed pretty nice with a couple of parks close by. When we got to look inside, the house was well kept for it’s age, had a huge back yard with a swing set, and was located in a stellar school district. The hitch was I wasn’t comfortable placing an offer on it without Jeremy there.

Finally, after much deliberation, we decided to place the stipulation in our offer that Jeremy had to see the house and approve it 5 days later. “Ok, God,” I again prayed, “there is no reason for them to take this offer, but if it’s your will, let it go through easily.”

They accepted and when Jeremy saw the house on Saturday, he approved it. So easy!

Then came the inspections. We did more than normal since we had been burned on the sell of our last house because the ducts need work. During the inspection, they found out this houses’ ducts also needed a lot of work, plus there were a few other things that might need done. We lumped it all together and waited for their counter proposal for what work they were willing to do. “Ok, God,” I sent up again, “if this is it, let it be easy…”

No counter ever came. They accepted our proposal as is and fixed it all. I’m still amazed. There really was no good reason for them to accept it.

The financing and everything else was also easy. God answered my initial prayer with a resounding, “Yes!”

So then why then don’t I feel it? Why is it so hard for me to trust God’s “Yes?”

There are several reasons. Though we’ll be closer to family again, we’re going in to a new city cold turkey to make new friends for the 3rd time in 20 months. Also, Jeremy will still have to travel to DFW a lot, at least at first. Though the house is what we need and perfect to host parties and things like small group, our family could out grow it fast. To tell you truth I’m just flat out tired of starting over, and I don’t wanna do one more time.

But when I don’t feel “right,” that’s when I cling to God’s “Yes!” Because it really doesn’t matter what I feel. What I know is that God answered my prayers clearly, and this is where he wants us for now. I can hold on to that truth knowing that he’ll take care of the rest.

He’ll go before us and prepare the way with new friends and a new church home, just as he has the last two times. He will wipe away the stress, if I let him. and he’ll be with us as Jeremy travels.

Just like me, when you clearly hear God say, “Yes! This is my will for you!” but don’t yet feel it, hang on to his “Yes!” Cling to it if need be. Because in the end, it doesn’t always matter if we feel it. It only matters if we follow it and trust him to lead the way.

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  1. Student Mommy

    I just need to say one thing about outgrowing a place… they all leave home… and then you’ll fit again. So while it may be snug for a year or two, if it’s God’s choice it’s the perfect choice.

  2. T. L. Cole

    Thank you for the reminder! Really they are only 3 1/2 and almost 2 so we have quite awhile, and the others are only a sparkle in my eye, but the planner in me is hard to turn off : )

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