To Obey is better…

Jun 12, 2013

Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams. ~ 1 Samuel 15:22

I have had this verse running through my head constantly lately. Daily I ask Ethan to come, and half way to me, he changes course and says, “I get a car (or another toy.)” Then he comes. Or I will ask him to do something else and half way through, he adds to it. Nothing is as frustrating as having him half listen. Even if what he added was in his mind a good thing that might please me.

Living this situation with Ethan lately has given me a new perspective on this verse in 1 Samuel. I can imagine God being just as angry and frustrated with Saul, even more so than I am with Ethan.

This brings me to the question, just what does God say? If following Him half way makes Him very angry, I want to be sure I’m doing what he says exactly. This is why I’m beginning to restudy a lot of the ideas I grew up hearing were true. I don’t just want to believe what I was told, I want to be sure for myself.

I don’t want to be like Ethan is right now obeying half way or thinking I know better that my parent. I want to obey and sincerely follow His words, even when they’re hard.

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