Fiction Friday~ Belong

Jul 19, 2013


“Can I talk to you?” Sarah asked, peeking in the door.

“Sure!” Stephanie, her manager, said, “What’s on your mind? How was your trip?”

“It was really good!” Sarah said, “I learned so much and felt like I really belonged there helping those children. That’s actually what I want to talk to you about.”

“Uh, oh, what’s up? Am I about to lose a good worker?”

“Yes,” Sarah said looking her in the eye, “When I was there I saw what a difference I could be making, so I committed to going back for three years.”

“Three years! In Romania? Wow, Sarah, I never expected that.” Stephanie said leaning forward, “Are you sure that’s what you want to do? I mean you’ve done so well here in the last few years. You could probably be a manager yourself someday soon…”

Fiction Friday is for me to have fun and get back in the habit of writing fiction. I hope you enjoy it! To check out the previous installments of this story click here. The first one is at the bottom.

I’m using the Gypsy Mama’s Friday prompts to get me started. Every Friday writers join together at for Five Minute Friday. One word, five minutes, no editing, and no back tracking. Come join the fun!

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1 Comment

  1. Denise

    good post.

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