Peace for your Monday

Jul 22, 2013

The morning is singing. The birds have already begun their varied notes, while the cicadas and frogs still hum in the trees. The first light of the sun has peeked over the horizon, but the sunrise is not quite here.

I hold my warm cup of coffee waiting.

Then it happens. In flashes of orange and red, in the colors of a perfectly ripe nectarine, it comes. The frogs and cicadas still. The birds begin to fly off looking for breakfast, and the sun touches it all with it’s light.

I cannot help but remember the verse, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge” (Ps. 19:1-2).

If you’re searching for God this Monday morning, I encourage you to step outside in the early morning or the late evening and just listen. Grab a cup of coffee if you need to, but go outside with no agenda but to listen.

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