GMG: Luke Study Continues!

Aug 5, 2013

Hi Friends,

This fall (GMG) is continuing their study of Luke in the Love Like Jesus study, which will be (I’m assuming) chapters Luke 17-24. As you can see from the above banner, it begins September 2 and runs through the end of October.

If you did the first part of Luke with us, I hope you’ll continue with our Over A Cup group to the end of the study. I have learned so much from you all over the last two parts of this book and can’t wait to see what God teaches us in these last chapters.

If you haven’t been studying Luke with us, but you would like to join in, please do! Right now you have plenty of time to catch up by reading part of a chapter a day (that’s what I’m doing to refresh my memory!). Or if you don’t have a chance to catch up, you’ll still be fine to jump in with us on September 2nd. We would love to have you!

If you would like to join us, please visit our OverACup Facebook group where all our discussion about the study takes place. When you go there, click on the “Join” button. I’ll see your request and then add you to the group. Other information on how to sign up with GMG and get the FREE study materials will be found in our Facebook group.

I hope you all decided to join us! I know I have been so blessed by these studies and the accountability and encouragement of our OAC group, and I know you will be, too!

God Bless,


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