Five Minute Friday ~ Small

Aug 16, 2013


He looked so small as I held him. No bigger than the length of my forearm. His tiny face all screwed up. His little fingers wrapping around mine. How could someone so small hold so much love. So much hope for the future.

Now he is not so tiny, but not so big either. He proudly declares as he runs around bouncing off walls, running laps around me and brother, that he is a “Big boy,” and he can do it because he is “big.” He is brimming with confidence. Confidence that he is loved. Confidence that he can take on the world. Confidence that he is the funniest little boy around. His face glows with this confidence. His smile makes me smile, even after holding a sick brother all day.

I pray no one takes that confidence away from him and makes him feel small. I know he has everything he needs to go wherever God leads him, I pray he always knows it, too…

Today I’m taking a break from Fiction Friday in order to do more research, but you can find all the installments of that story here. The first post is at the bottom.

Every Friday writers join together at for Five Minute Friday. One word, five minutes, no editing, and no back tracking. Come join the fun!

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  1. Holly

    Hi Tara,

    Stopping over from Five Minute Friday…How quickly they grow up, and how fun to watch their achievements and triumphs! And yes, our definition of “small” changes as we go along. Praying your boys both continue in confidence (and feel better soon…)!

  2. AJ Collins

    🙂 I love this. My son is a little bigger, and they never stop taking joy in what they can do (imagine him at 10 with a whistle yelling at kids in the halls of his school as a safety patrol officer)… 🙂 first time visitor from

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