Favorites: Emeals.com

Oct 28, 2013

You may be wondering, “How does a meal planning website help me with my quiet time?” The answer my friends is time. I have saved 2-3 hours a week using this service over the last month, and that adds up to more time in your day to fit in more important things like daily quiet time.

Here’s how it’s helped me. Menu planning for me consists of trying to match the sales items with in season items with food my family will eat. Headache! After that I make my list and price match everything I can. Then if my family doesn’t like what I cook, I get upset because I’ve put all that time and energy into planning.

This last month with emeals has been so much easier. Now I just print the list, check off the items I have or modify a few to fit us better, quickly price match, and go. This whole process takes me maybe 30 minutes.
Besides cutting down on wasted time, I love emeals for several other reasons. Number one is a I feel like we’re eating better. They include a main dish and well rounded sides with every meal. These aren’t open-the-can sides like I usually make. Instead, they are salads, fresh veggies, and sometimes box mixes I had never thought of trying before. After eating these meals, I have so much more energy and feel better than my usual Hamburger Helper or frequent taco and spaghetti meals.

Every now and then I add back in one of our favorite meals since we don’t love every meal they pick. However, in the past few weeks I’ve also added several meals from emeals offerings to our favorites, like BBQ chicken in the crock pot, Hobo dinners, and Chili. Yum!

I also like the fact that they help me stay in budget. The 2 person Classic Wal-mart plan ranges from $50-60 and the Family Plan, feeding 4-6, is just $85-100. These prices are very accurate as the grocery list gives specific brand names and the expected prices, which are usually to the penny.
I chose the Classic meal plan because we like good ole’ home cooking, but if that is not your forte don’t worry. Emeals has twelve different meals plan types to choose from. Everything from Simple Gourmet, to Paleo, Vegan, Gluten Free, Low Fat…you name it. Your family’s favorite food type is probably covered.
After you choose your favorite food style, you can choose your favorite grocery store. Emeals offers meal plans for stores like Aldi, Whole Foods, Wal-mart, and many more. After you choose your store, they coordinate your menu to the weekly store sales to help you stay in budget. Awesome, right?!

Emeals also has an app available for your phone. Through it you can have access to all you meal plans, current and older, as well as your grocery list. On the app you can even choose to skip a meal and it will deduct that meal’s items from your grocery list and give you a new final total. You can also add more items to the grocery list on the app. However, you can’t add prices too, and it doesn’t have a way to remember items you’ve added before, which is why I don’t use the app grocery list yet. Despite that, I do like having everything in hand, so I have our weekly meals easily accessible at all times.

Emeals offers all this for just $5 per month if you sign up for 12 months. I gave it a 3 month trial, which was still only $7 a month. Not bad for saving me 8-10 hours a month in time and headache.
If you’re like me, and searching for some meal planning help, you might like emeals.com, too. I’ve tested many different programs and apps over the last year, and this is the one I’m going to stick with. My family and I have been happy with the meals they provide, and I think you’re family will really enjoy them, too!
Disclaimer: I have not been paid for this review. However, if you do click on the link in this post and purchase emeals through it, I will receive a referral fee. This in no way changes my opinion of emeals.com. I really like how easy they have made my meal planning and wanted to pass the information on to you. 

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