Photo by Michał Mancewicz on Unsplash
I am done. Whew! Deep sigh. Looking at the next 6 months I just want to quit. “It’s too much, God!” I want to yell and throw my hands in the air. “What are you thinking!?”
Then he reminds me, I’m right. I can’t do it alone. But with him, it will get done. The most important things will be accomplished.
He also reminds me that looking down the pipeline at what’s coming is not beneficial. To worry about today because tomorrow has enough trouble of its own (Matt. 6: ?).
When I keep my focus on him, when I look to today, I have peace. I can rest. I can focus.
When I look at my capabilities, when I look at the oncoming storm, I am anxious. I can’t sleep. I am frantic.
God, please help me to focus on today. Help me to remember that though I feel “done” this is just the beginning when I look at you. You are writing a story I cannot see and you will provide what is needed at the moment. All the moments I face. Thank you for being my strength in the storms when I want to run and hide. In Jesus’ name Amen.
This post is written in response to a FiveMinuteFriday.com word prompt. Every Friday writers gather there to write for 5 minutes on one word, no editing. Come join us!
Do you struggle to stay connected to God? To find time to abide in him? Click below and take the Abide 5 Day Challenge. For 5 days, I’ll send you ideas to help you stay connected to Jesus throughout your day and Abide in him.
Love this thought: “When I feel done it is just the beginning when I look at God”
How encouraging.
Thank you! I just wish I could remember it more often and not get desperate before I remember to turn to him, ya know?
I’ve definitely had seasons of not being able to look more than a few minutes into the future, and praise HIM for the provision during those times.
FMF #32
Yes! I would not make it if not for him.
Yes, where we focus makes such a difference! If we keep our eyes on God he will get us through!