How to Have Quiet Time when You’re Short on Time

Aug 13, 2018

First5 App Logo P31

Many mornings it’s a struggle to find time to spend with God. I wake up late, my sons wake up early, I’m sick, or for some other reason, I’m shorter on time for my quiet time than I would like.

This is why I love the First 5 app from Proverbs31 Ministries. It’s a free app that has a Bible reading and short devo every weekday. On the weekends, they have an audio recap with some of the Proverbs31 Ministry leaders discussing that week’s reading.

You can join in with the study they are currently doing or choose from any of the studies they have done over the last three years. Many are studies over books of the Bible, but there are a few topical ones, too.

First5 App bible studies

The nice thing about their studies is that they are pretty short—a couple weeks to a month or so. I like that because during certain seasons of life, I need a win, to see that I actually completed something. To that end, they also have check boxes where you can checkmark that you’ve read the Bible reading and devo for each day, so you can keep up with your progress.

First5 App Check boxes

I also appreciate how thought provoking and deep these devotionals are, even though they are short. You’re not getting cotton candy here, but thoughts that will stay with you throughout your day and even change your life.

They don’t just have great devotional thoughts, but each day’s study has a place where you can answer that day’s question privately or you can comment publicly and see the comments of others. This feature is particularly helpful if there is something you don’t quite understand in that day’s reading. The insight and thoughts of others can help you understand better.

First5 App comments

If you need something you can hold in your hands, they also have an Experience Guide to go along with the more recent studies. They are available for purchase through the app and give additional information and insight into the study you’re doing along with additional questions for thought.

Do you need accountability? They also have a groups feature in the app. You can join an existing group or you can create a group of your own with some of your friends. Yeah! This is a great feature to help you stay accountable, especially if you’re beginning a new habit of quiet time, restarting, or just want to learn with others.

First5 App Groups

If you’re looking for a quick way to connect with God each morning, especially those mornings when you’re short on time, check out the First5 app from Proverbs31 Ministries. Learn more here or go to the App Store on your phone and download for free.


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  1. Patty Scott

    Tara, this was great! I have first 15, but hadn’t seen first 5, though I had heard of it. Your review made me want to check it out. My all time favorite devotional is out of print, but available used. It is a collection of writings by people (pastors and others) from the 1600s-1800s and on to early 1900s. The meat in that devotional is sustenance. It is called Daily Strength for Daily Needs. The format is simple, a verse and three writings related to the verse – one page a day. I have a copy so dog eared and battered from traveling with me and being used for years. If you are ever looking for a devotional in book form, I highly recommend that one.

    • Tara Cole

      Glad to hear you’re going to check it out. I really love how I can do it in 15 min, but it’s pretty deep, too. I’ll have to check out that devotional. I’m always looking for more suggestions : ) Thank you!

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