Why Moms Matter

May 7, 2019

I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.

2 Tim. 1:5

We often underestimate our importance as mothers in the lives of our children. We think being a mother is somehow “less than” other occupations like a teacher, business woman, lawyer, doctor, nurse…

We spend time running our children to school and from one activity to another, but rarely take the time to spend time one-on-one. We think that a good education and doing all the things will give a strong start in life, but play time and time with just us is frivolous.

Mama, your kids need you. Yes, you.

We are so much more than “just a mom.” Our influence, words, and examples have the power to chart the course for our families for generations.

Even the Bible speaks to the importance of a mother’s influence. Reading in the Old Testament, we see that in the list of the kings of Israel and Judah, the names of their mothers seems to be significant. For example, 2 Kings 15:32-34 says that Jotham King of Judah’s mother was Jerusha daughter of Zadok.

A quick search of the name Zadok will show you that the name is associated with several men who were faithful servants of God. It is interesting that one of their grandsons was a king who “did what was right in the eyes of the LORD” (2 Kings 15:34). As we can see from even the next chapter, 2 Kings 16, having a faithful father doesn’t ensure the son will be a good king. Interestingly, often in Israel’s history, good kings are influenced by a faithful mother.

Mama, our influence matters.

In real life, I have also been made painfully aware of the power of a mother’s words. Over the last few years, several of my friends in their 60’s and 70’s have struggled with the lack of  encouragement and unkind words they received or were receiving from their mothers. In both instances, the results of this treatment were painfully evident in their health, current life situations, and even physical appearance.

Mama, our words matter.

In my own life, the influence of my Mom and Grammy’s examples have kept me on a good path despite very hard circumstances. I would not be here today if it weren’t for them. Specifically, I remember my mother getting up each morning to spend her time with God. Even though our lives were chaotic and in turmoil, she showed us each morning where her true strength laid.

Mama, our example matters.

When we believe our influence, words, and example don’t matter, Satan is tricking us into believing his lies. He’s getting to our kids by getting to us. And he knows it.

This month let’s begin to take a stand and really believe that we matter. That as mothers we help shape our homes, our communities, and our culture. “Mother” is just a important as any other title we will ever hold, and the most influential.

Let’s believe: Mothers Matter!

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  1. jerniffer

    I always pray to God and I see the blessings everyday and I relate to your post

    • Tara L. Cole

      Yes, Jennifer! Prayer is so often our last resort when it should really be our first. I’m so glad God is blessing your prayers life.

      • jerniffer

        I am inspired by your good work.

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