This month Mickie Smith shares her God Story and what he has taught her since she retired a year and a half ago. I met Mickie at church and have loved getting to know her and her husband Randy over the last few years. Like all of us, she got caught up in life and didn’t spend as much time with God as she wanted or knew she needed. Join me as she shares some of the precious lessons God has taught her…
I retired in February of 2018. I started working when I was 16 and worked outside the home for the next 47 years, except when I had my children and took time off in their early lives. I am a nurse, and I loved being a nurse.
By the time I retired, I think God was about to give up on me. I had been praying for guidance in retirement, but in hindsight, I was totally ignoring his counsel and following my worldly heart desires.
When the moment came and I knew with certainty that God was telling me it was time to retire, a peace came over that I hadn’t experienced in many months. The peace of mind and certainty I had been begging for fell over me that only My Lord can grant.
I would like to share what I have learned since retirement.
Abiding in Jesus is a daily walk with Him. Spending time in prayer and in His Word is essential. We are called to become like Jesus. Never give up because you are growing older. God isn’t finished with us. Phil. 1:6 tells us that God will continue his work until it is finally finished in the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Nowadays, I start my day in prayer and pray continually throughout the day. I have found the ACTS method helps me have a more effective prayer life. A(acknowledging God), C(Confess), T(Thanksgiving), S(Supplication) allows me to address God and have a true connection with Him. The more I turn to Him, the better my day goes. I might be having a difficult day, but asking and seeking His guidance and spending time with Him makes it bearable and adds sparkle to my routine of daily life.
Being present with God and acknowledging that he is my father, creator, and Savior puts my relationship with Him in a proper perspective. And without Him, I am nothing and don’t have a hope of Heaven when my life is over on earth.
I was deluding myself thinking I was hiding my sins. God knows my heart. It is essential that I confess my sins. I will always be a sinner, but I am His child. His steadfast “love endures forever,” Psalm 136:26. I thank Him for his love and guidance.
I have been able to spend much more time outdoors since I retired, and I have learned to truly appreciate the awesomeness of God’s creation. It draws me closer to Him when I am out walking and appreciating all that He has made and brings to my attention. It is so easy to offer thanksgiving to Him and all the blessings he gives me.
In supplication or asking for what I need, I have a direct line to my Savior, and he wants me to ask Him. I have to have faith that he hears my request, and He will answer my prayers. It might not be the answer I want, but it is what I need. His timing is not my timing, but he hears my requests and provides me with what I need on a daily basis.
I try very hard to start every day with Him. I have learned if I tend to my spiritual needs, I will have more to help feed others.
I must spend quality time alone in His presence for growth and maturity. He longs to communicate with me. Thirty minutes allows me to pray, spend time in His Word and follow some of my favorite Biblical sources to glean from others what they are learning from our Lord, such as Whole Heart Ministries, FaithFull Women, Devotionals Daily, and Daily Hope with Rick Warren.
If I only have five minutes, that is a much better way to start my day than not starting my day off with Him at all. A mind that is unfocused is wide open to the devil’s schemes, worldliness, and keeps me from turning my heart and mind to Christ Jesus.
Thank you, Mickie, for sharing your insights! To learn more about the ACTS Prayer Method she mentions check out this article from earlier this year on “Learning to Pray. ”
If you’d like to find the resources she mentioned, check out the direct links to their websites below:
And if you’d like more ideas to help you spend time with God throughout your day, share your email below for my FREE resource, “6 Ways to Deepen Your Relationship with God.”