Daily Quiet Time ~ Luke 13

Apr 22, 2013

This week we’re studying Luke 13, which means we’re half way through our study. Can you believe it!? This week I see a progression in chapter thirteen.

In verses 1-5, Jesus reminds us that we’re all same and twice says, “No, I tell you that unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3, 5). Then in verse 6-9 he tells a parable and reminds us that he is patient with us and will provide us with what we need to bear fruit, but there is a time limit.

Following this parable, he once again heals on the Sabbath, putting to shame his adversaries and causing the people to praise God (Luke 13:17). This situation demonstrates to me how much Jesus values people and has compassion on us, and yet how we’re all equally sinful and can have hard hearts.

He then reminds us that the kingdom of God is growing rapidly and is for everyone (Luke 13:18-21), but also that there is one way in and that way will not remain open forever (Luke 13:22-30).

Finally, the chapter closes with his lament over Jerusalem (Luke13:31-35), which again shows his compassion for the us no matter how hard our hearts.

All along in Luke Jesus has been emphasizing the kingdom and inviting the people to it, but here he begins to build a sense of urgency telling us it won’t be open forever. Living 2000 after the fact, it’s really hard for us, for me, to live with this sense of urgency. Every now and then we’ll have a reminder when someone dies unexpectedly, but for the most part we don’t live in it.

How do we remember? For me it takes seeking God daily. I know I sound like a broken record, but it’s true. Without the daily reminder that “there’s more to this life” I forget. I become so caught up in the day to day that I begin to think this is all there is.

I pray our study this week will remind us that there is more to this life. There is a God who loves us and is patient, but that there is also a time limit on this life, and we need to be ready for what comes next.


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  1. Student Mommy

    That is scary. There definitely is a time limit, and I don’t know how to make those around me understand that without offending them, or at least offending those around them… but does that actually matter?
    Jesus offended pretty much everyone at one time or another.

  2. T. L. Cole

    Good question, Student Mommy! I think the trick is doing it in love. Making it a natural part of your conversation like anything else you love and are passionate about. I pray for the words to say when it’s time. Jesus promised he would give them to us, and we need to claim that promise.

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