Baby Steps Toward Trust

Oct 26, 2012

You have said, “Seek my face,” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.” ~Psalms 27:8

It is always amazing to me the lessons God teaches when I take the time to seek his face. As I have been seeking him this week, he has been, once again, teaching me about trust. Though I say I trust him and I know that his love isn’t based on performance, I live differently. I live as if I don’t trust his heart for me, and I don’t.

This week he has taken me a step closer to learning to trust his heart for me by returning me to one of the events that began my trust problem. Through reexamining the event, he showed me that the hurt I felt was not due to his lack of love for me. Instead, it was due to my sin, others sin, and my failure to maintain relationships. Though a hard realization, he also showed me that through it all he never left. Never walked away. Instead, he cried with me, held me, and helped me pick up the pieces.

However, everyones experience is not like mine. Sometimes the events that break hearts and cause us not to trust aren’t due to sin. Sometimes horrible events happen and no one is at fault. Even in these times, though, from my own experience and others, I’ve learned he still never leaves. He is still,

[The] Father who is ready to comfort me. [The] Father who will hold me until I’m better, help me until I can live with the hurt, and who won’t go to sleep when I’m afraid of waking up and seeing the dark. (Max Lucado, The Applause of Heaven)

Though I still struggle with trust, and I’m still traveling down the path to learn to trust him again. On this journey, he is infinitely patient with me, giving me glimpses of insight, and helping me get one step closer to where he wants me to be–fully trusting him once again.


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