{God Story} Cherry Fargo–Journey Toward God

{God Story} Cherry Fargo–Journey Toward God

If you’ve ever been on a trip with a child of almost any age, you are probably familiar with the questions: “Are we there yet?”, “Will we be there soon?”, and “How much longer until we get there?” Maybe you remember asking those questions yourself when you were a...
How To Make Easy Easter Cookies

How To Make Easy Easter Cookies

Easter is a time for family traditions. Some can get pretty messy and time consuming (glitter Easter eggs!) and some are pretty simple like these cookies.  Every year my sons ask for this special Easter recipe.. I love this recipe because it can easily be done...
Why Share your God Story?

Why Share your God Story?

The most priceless gift you can give someone is a story.  And it’s easier to give than you might think! Today, when we struggle to connect with others or feel too distracted to sit and read the Bible with our kids, stories are a way to bridge those relationships. ...

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