{God Story} Doris Swift – Believing God’s Promises

{God Story} Doris Swift – Believing God’s Promises

After my banking career of almost thirty years ended, I experienced a difficult season in my life. Although I was still a wife, a mom, even a grandma, something was amiss with my identity. For years I was a banker and then I wasn’t. As crazy as this may sound, it was as if someone had siphoned a portion of my DNA clear out of my veins…

Why Share your God Story?

Why Share your God Story?

The most priceless gift you can give someone is a story. And it’s easier to give than you might think! Today, when we struggle to connect with others or feel too distracted to sit and read the Bible with our kids, stories are a way to bridge those relationships…

10 Best Books for Christmas

10 Best Books for Christmas

Finding Christmas gifts can be a struggle. I am one of those who never knows what to get anyone, unless I get books. Books are my favorite as my coffee tables, bookcases, and nightstands will attest. Each year I buy way more books than I could possibly read and frequently read 10+ at once. Yes, that is not a typo. Anyway, here are my 5 favorite books for the children and the women in your life. Enjoy!

{God Story} Tara L. Cole – Learning to Abide

{God Story} Tara L. Cole – Learning to Abide

The early morning light shone through the window onto her Bible. My Mom had a cup of steaming coffee in her hand as she studied the open pages. Her feet tucked under her on the Indian patterned couch. When she heard me enter the room, she looked up and smiled. A genuine smile of invitation to spend this early morning quiet with her. She said, “Listen to what I’ve been reading…” and turned her eyes back down the well highlighted pages with notes all in the margins… 

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