The Bible Project

This YouTube channel and website are quickly becoming some of my favorites because of their clear, concise Biblical message, and professional quality videos. It can be a struggle to understand Biblical concepts and then explain them to your kids. The Bible Project...

3 Ways to Seek Jesus in the Book of John

We know we should seek Jesus’ face, but how? One of my favorite ways is to read the book of John. When we see Jesus through John’s eyes, we get a glimpse of the Son of God through one of his closest friends. The book of John paints a clear picture of Jesus...

Need a Guide for Bible Study?

Sometimes when I read the Bible, it is hard to make connections or to understand what I’m reading. This is where I love Stacey Thacker’s Girlfriends Guide to the Bible series. In her newest book in the series, When Grace Walks In, she leads us on a study of Ephesians....

Making Mealtime Meaningful

I have three sons. Getting them to sit down for devotional time can be a challenge. Okay, challenge is mild. It can be impossible with their little bodies constantly moving, usually all three in different directions at once! However, I long to encourage them toward...

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