Making Mealtime Meaningful

So Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and prepare the Passover for us, that we may eat it.” Luke 22:8 I have three sons. Getting them to sit down for devotional time can be a challenge. Okay, “challenge” is mild. It can be impossible with their little bodies...

Gospel Centered Mom by Brooke McGlothlin

This was the message I didn’t know I needed to hear. As a mom, many days I find myself thinking, “I can’t do this!” Brooke McGlothlin’s message in Gospel Centered Mom: The Freeing Truth About What Your Kids Really Need, was a resounding, “Yes, that’s right! On...

Prayer in Practice by J.L. Gerhardt

If you’re struggling with prayer or where to begin, one of my favorite resources for prayer is Prayer in Practice by J.L. Gerhardt. In this workbook, she doesn’t just tell about the theory or theology of prayer. Instead, she gets us praying right away in many...

YouVersion App

You may already know about YouVersion for your smartphone or tablet, but just in case you don’t
. I love this app! It was created by in Oklahoma City, a community church that was planted in 1996 by Craig Groeschel. For those who like to...

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