First5 APP

Many mornings it’s a struggle to find time to spend with God. I wake up late, my sons wake up early, I’m sick, or for some other reason, I’m short on time for my quiet time than I would like. This is why I love the First 5 app from Proverbs31 Ministries. It’s a free...

Finding Balance in Motherhood

This post on finding balance and living in the tension of motherhood appeared several years ago on OverACup and then was republished on TheMOBSociety. It is as true now as it was then. I really need it’s message this week. I hope it helps you, too.  ...

Why White Hair at 19 Taught Me to Trust God

When people first meet me they usually wonder, “Is your hair dyed or natural?” If they have the courage to voice their question out loud, I answer, “God did it.” Though a short response, there is a much more complicated story behind my white streaked hair. Once Upon A...

Where Every Christian Woman Should Begin

  I have wondered when I read all the articles and hear conferences about how-to and here is how to live the Christian life, have faith, raise kids (and these are certainly needed), how these folks know for certain that what they are saying is for sure going to...

Letting Go of Our Obsession with Enough

They say motherhood is important work. They say nothing is more important. But when I’m in a new group meeting other moms and we’re going around telling what we do, I often get the feeling they don’t really believe being a Mom is enough. I don’t believe being a...

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