Learning to Pray

Learning to Pray

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ...

Christy Nockels

Oh, friends! In the last year, I have discovered Christy Nockels’ music. It is such a sweet, calming breath to my day. Her most recent CD Be Held is just like being held in a peaceful embrace. I love to listen to it while I’m writing (like right now!), doing dishes,...

Wise for Salvation

Wise for Salvation by Christie Thomas is a devotional book for ages 1-6. It’s not just a Bible storybook, though it does have many, many Bible stories in it. Instead, it looks at a single Bible story for five days and allows your kids to interact with that story in a...

YouVersion App

You may already know about YouVersion for your smartphone or tablet, but just in case you don’t…. I love this app! It was created by LifeChurch.tv in Oklahoma City, a community church that was planted in 1996 by Craig Groeschel. For those who like to...

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