Growing Pains….

Apr 5, 2010

Wow! Time is going so fast! Ethan will be 4 mo old next week. Crazy. I think the hardest thing for me to learn right now is that relationships trump all.

For example, on Friday I had my neat little list of all the house cleaning, laundry, and chores I planned to get accomplished. Jeremy even took the day off, and I thought “He can watch Ethan while I work.” Ha, ha! Ethan woke up in the middle of the night, and I was so tired that when Jeremy got up, I took a nap. Then Ethan was a little fussy and needed me more than usual most of the afternoon.

Finally, I decided to scrap it all, and Ethan and I went shopping with Jeremy at Khols. I do LOVE that place. They have the best sales. I got 11 pieces of spring and summer clothing for under $140!

After shopping, I realized, “Oh, crap! I have to grade some assignments tonight!” My students needed my feedback to complete their next assignment due on Tuesday. Ugh! Having spent my day doing what felt like less than productive things, I was pretty bent out of shape when I began grading at 8pm and didn’t finish till 10:30.

Then I realized, my day was very productive. Comforting Ethan and hanging out with Jeremy are some of the most important activities I can be doing right now. Sure some of my teaching has to be done, but the house can wait. It will be there this week while Jeremy is out of town.

So after this realization, I had to apologize for my attitude problems and start learning my new mantra: Relationship trump chores, relationship trump chores…

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