Dallas am…

May 19, 2010

Hopefully, now that my online class is finished I’ll more time for posting : ) I start a short course this week, but since it’s four hours on Thursdays, I’m hoping it won’t take up as much time–lol. It will probably take up more time, so I’m going to try to catch up while I have the time.

Today, Monday, Ethan and I are with Jeremy in Dallas. It’s Ethan’s first stay in a hotel. He doesn’t seem sure about it. So far he hasn’t had too bad of a time sleeping, but as I write he’s over in his Pack N’ Play complaining about having to take his afternoon nap. We’ll see how he does : )

He’s actually done pretty well. We missed breakfast this morning at our hotel, so after Ethan woke up from his morning nap, we had to go find me food. The Hilton was around the corner, so I decided to try out one of the restaurants in it. Awkward!

The cafe’ in the Hilton was closed, so we had to go to the Grill. There we were in our t-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes, surrounded by men in snazzy suits. The wait staff was really polite, but I felt completely out of place as I heard a guy at the next time exclaim several times, “En Italy…” Despite us being completely underdressed, Ethan did a great job. I was able to eat my lunch, and he didn’t start fussing until I was pretty much done. I got my ticket quickly and high tailed it back to our little Best Western.

Jeremy is done with his conference sometimes early this afternoon, so maybe we can go do some fun stuff then. Right now I’m enjoying relaxing watching TV and catching up on my blog reading and writing : )

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