I already filled you in on how our morning went, so here goes for the evening…
It was awesome! The tradeshow that Jeremy is at hosted an evening dinner and entertainment on the Dallas Cowboy’s field. Since Jeremy’s boss wanted him to go, we went. We were really nervous about how Ethan would do, since it lasted from 5-9:45, and we had to ride buses to the stadium. Those of you who know Ethan understand : )
But, he did so good! On the way over, he got a little fussy since it was nap time, but with a bottle and bouncing he kept it together. When we disembarked under the stadium, a lady stopped us and asked if we knew children 16 and younger weren’t allowed. Oops! Being new parents, it hadn’t even crossed our minds. We wouldn’t have really cared much if she would have refused to let us in, but now that we went, I’m glad she finally let us enter “at our own risk.”
When we entered the stadium, they had foot ball tosses set up on one end of the field, the stage for the entertainment at the fifty yard line, and tables on the other half of the field. We quickly found and table, then went to get Ethan’s picture with the Cheerleaders. The Cheerleaders were taking pictures in groups of two, but when they saw Ethan, several of them gathered around for his picture. So cute! He gave us a few good smiles, but then realized he didn’t know anyone around him and had a meltdown. Poor kid.
The rest of the evening we ate and watched musicians I hadn’t heard of. Even with all the noise, Ethan still managed to take his naps on time and eat with very little fussing. Not that anyone could have heard him anyway. We were so very proud of him! Before the night was out, we were even able to get his picture on the fifty yard line : ) Watch him be artsy and not care about these pictures at all : P

On the way back, since it was dark, I went ahead and feed him on the bus to keep him happy. When we got off, those around us exclaimed about how good he had been on the trip back. The reason was our little secret : )
It has been a pretty good trip. I’m glad we’re blessed that my job now allows Ethan and I the opportunity to travel with Jeremy. I’m a little nervous about the next five weeks, since I have to teach in person one night a week, but I’m sure it will all work out fine. God always provides.
I’m so proud of Ethan! He is gonna grow up to be just like his Uncle Trey!!!