God’s Arms

Aug 29, 2011

As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; (Isaiah 66:13a, NIV)

He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. (Psalms 91:4, ESV)

As Liam was falling asleep in my arms the other night, I could see trust and utter peace on his little face. I wondered at how at this point in his life, he trusts me completely without question. And I thought how wonderful it would be to be in a relationship like that, to experience that level of trust and peace.

Immediately Isaiah 66 and Psalms 91 came to mind. God calls us to trust Him like that! If we will only allow ourselves, we can experience that Liam’s kind of trust and peace in God’s arms.

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1 Comment

  1. Jo

    Beautiful thoughts, Tara! May God continue to bless you with such a positive perception of life in God’s care.

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