I have hidden your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11 (NLT)
When I was little my Mom had us memorize many, many verses, and I hated it. I told her when I grew up, I wasn’t going to do it and for years I didn’t. It wasn’t until several years ago, when those verses I’d memorized as a child would come back to me in moments when I needed them, I realized the value of memorizing God’s Word.
One of the best uses of God’s word is fighting Satan’s lies. Satan loves to tell us we’re not good enough, but we can fight that lie with God’s truth like, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight” (Eph. 1:4, NIV).
If you’re struggling with a sin like lust, fight it with verses like, “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman [man]…” (Job 31:1, NIV).
If you’re in a dark time remember, “But the Lord has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge” (Psalm 94:22, NIV). Use verses like these to allow his truth to set you free (John 8:32).
If you’re new to Bible study, you may be thinking, I don’t know enough of the Bible to even know where to turn for verses like these. As you begin to study God’s Word, highlight or underline those that catch your attention in your Bible and make a list of verses you want to memorize. The front or back cover of your Bible this a great place for this list!
If you need a verse right now for a specific situation, websites like biblegateway.com allow you to search by topic. You can also use my favorite chapter of the Bible, Psalms 139. It’s short and reminds us God is always with us.
Today, find just one verse and begin to hide God’s word in your heart. I’m praying for you as you abide in Jesus and begin to memorize his truths.
Abiding Alone
If you need a verse to memorize begin with:
Psalms 139:1(NLT): “O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.”
Or Proverbs 15:1 (CBS): “A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.”
Whichever verses you choose, write them out on a card or in your journal. Pay attention to the words as you copy it. Also consider posting it around your house in different places. I have a chalkboard that we write our family memory verse on each month. It helps to keep it front and center.
Abiding with Kids
If your church has memory work for your kids, begin there. If not, you could begin with John 3:16. Think about a few verses you might use to help your family begin memorizing verses together. I find it helpful to post our verses in the boys’ rooms and on their memory charts. I’ve even copied some of them and posted them around the boys’ bathroom mirror. Anything to get God’s word in front of them.
Also, one tip for kids: I started young. Even when they were just beginning to talk, I had them repeat the words after me. My youngest still does this, but by the end of the two weeks(ish—it usually takes us a month), he can say the words himself.
Also, I don’t require the bigger boys don’t look at the verse. I figure repeating the verses 10 times really helps it to stick. Plus they are still at the learning to read stage, so it helps with that, too. We also talk about what the verse means. I want them to know the words, yes, but I also want them to have an idea of what it means or if applicable how to apply it today.
I’d love to share our family’s memory verse sheets with you! Click here to have them sent to your inbox.
Bible Memory App--Great memory tool right on your phone!
Grace Notes– Memory Verses for the whole family sent right to your door each month. Love!