Bible Memory Verses for Little Ones (and Big Ones Too!)

Aug 12, 2013

I’m so excited to share this idea with you today. It seems so simple but will make a huge difference for you and your kids.

For years I have struggled with memory verses. I know it’s important because of verses like Psalms 119:11 that tell us to “store up” God’s word in “our hearts,” but what I told my Mom as a teenager, “I’m not going to do this when I grow up,” unfortunately stuck.

For about a year now, I’ve been trying to come up with different ways for my boys and I to memorize verses. Over the last two months, I think I finally found something that has worked for us. Using Stephen Elkins 100 Bible Heroes, 100 Bible Songs, every two weeks the boys and I are memorizing a different verse.

Each hero has his or her own scripture, story summary, and song to go with them. Using this book works great for us since the songs usually follow the verses pretty closely. Each morning we read the verse at breakfast and then play and sing the song throughout the day to help us remember it. Really I just leave the CD in the car so it plays while we drive around.

I created these sticker charts (linked for you here) to help the boys and I to keep track of the days we say the verses. Each boy has his own chart, and whoever has memorized theirs (or in Liam’s case listened, since he’s just two) for 10 days gets to go out for a special treat. Usually we just do Sonic since you can score half price shakes after 8pm. You know if you’re doing it every two weeks it can’t be to pricey.

I’ve been really surprised at the results. Ethan has been able to remember all the verses we memorized so far, and helping him to memorize them and learn what they mean has helped me to memorize them, too. Yeah!

When I just checked, I noticed that Stephen Elkins has several 100… books out with different stories and songs in them. So if heroes aren’t your family’s thing, there’s a lot to choose from. The are all pretty reasonably priced, too.

If you’d like to go through the 100 Bible Heroes, 100 Bible Songs with our family, please feel free to use the charts linked above and below. I’ll add one chart to the Memory Verse chart link every two weeks, and I’m going mostly in order now (we skipped to hero “Ethan” first for Ethan).

Do you have any Bible memory ideas that have worked for your family? Please share them in the comments below. You can never have too many good ideas!

God Bless, Love you!


Stephen Elkins 100 Bible Heroes, 100 Bible Songs
Memory Verse Sticker Charts (Google docs-you don’t need a Google account to use these)

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Stephen Elkins or his books, and am receiving no compensation for mentioning them here. I simply love this resource and wanted to share it with you.


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