This website is full of encouragement just like it's name suggests. It has blog posts, devotionals, Bible studies, books, products, access to (in)courage groups that meet in real life. No matter where you are in life, you can find a place in this community.
A Holy Experience
I like this blog and website because it's just so peaceful. Ann is the author of One Thousand Gifts, and her blog reminds us to be thankful, while also reminding you that someone else gets it. The stress, the stretch, and in it all finds peace.
Sacred Mundane
Kari's blog is such an encouragement to me. She teaches how to see and learn about God in the everyday mundane parts of life. Simple words yet so profound.
For the last several years our OverACup online Bible study group (linked at the top of this page) has done Bible studies through LoveGodGreatly.com. What I really love about this site is the study format they use--S (scripture), O (observation), A (application), P...
God Story ~ Finding Freedom
It was this past December 23rd. I had found out the day before that the reason we never received my baby's social security card was because he had never been issued a social security number. The lady on the phone told me I would need to take the baby's birth...
The Long Wait ~ Cindy Cain
photobucket.com“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” ~Proverbs 19:20There is a phenomenon called “post-graduation depression.” I scientifically (not really) looked it up on Google. There is lots of information out there...