Hide and Go Seek

 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart. ~ Jer. 29:13, ESVFor months Ethan's favorite game has been hide-and-go-seek. He loves to hide in the same spot over and over and make all kinds of sounds, so I know where he is.  You...

Daily Quiet Time: Advent Study

This month we were going to just take a break, but since I wanted to do the Advent study with GoodMorningGirls.org, I thought I'd ask those in our Facebook group to join me. There has been some interested, so I decided to extend the invitation to you also. Don't worry...

Five Minute Friday ~ Wonder

Wonder...Oh, to have Ethan's wonder this Christmas season! Everywhere we go, he looks, points, and shouts, "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" I'm so glad he seems to love Christmas as much as I do. But this Christmas season, I'm learning to wonder in a different way....

Glowing in the Dark

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ~ John 1:4-5, ESVQuick SipA few weeks ago, I had to teach Ethan how Glow-in-the-dark things work. He has the awesome pair of PJ's that have...

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