You Want Me to Pray For Who? ~ Amber Leech

I heard a story once of a leader of a terrorist organization. He was going around the country imprisoning Christians and even putting them to death. The way of killing his victims was the slowest means possible where the person was beat to death one stone at a time....

Encouragement for Parents ~ Amber Leech

“Teach a child how to follow the right way; even when he is old, he will stay on course.” ~ Prov. 22.6A short caveat. I am not a parent. I have 2, soon to be 3, good-looking and intelligent nephews (they obviously take after their aunt). However, I work...

Perspectives ~ Amber Leech

Here’s a special post from Amber about an insight she had while in Romania…It’s about how you look at it.It is 930 in the morning in St. George, Romania. It Is 130 in the morning CST. I am getting out of bed to start my day. You may have been asleep for...
Look to the Ants ~ Amber Leech

Look to the Ants ~ Amber Leech

freedigitalphotos.netThere are always ants. I don’t know why there are ants, but they are always there. In our first house they were pharaoh ants, second house were wood ants, third were fire ants, fourth were back to pharaoh ants. When we moved to another city, we...

The Widow’s Mite ~ Amber Leech

  And then He turned His attention from the religious scholars to some wealthy people who were depositing their donations in the offering boxes. A widow, obviously poor, came up and dropped two copper coins in one of the boxes. I’m telling you the truth, this...

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