10 Summer Bible Study Ideas

I’ve have learned so much from our study of Hope for the Weary Mom over the last couple of months in our Over A Cup Facebook group. Through your comments, I’ve learned I’m not alone on this mom journey. Many of you feel just as weary and strung out...

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Bible Study

This book is great if you’re new to Bible study or need some new ideas to dig deep into God’s Word. Lisa walks you through 20 different Bible study methods over three months that can take as little as 15 min a day. At the beginning, she walks with you and...


This website is full of encouragement just like it’s name suggests. It has blog posts, devotionals, Bible studies, books, products, access to (in)courage groups that meet in real life. No matter where you are in life, you can find a place in this...


For the last several years our OverACup online Bible study group (linked at the top of this page) has done Bible studies through LoveGodGreatly.com. What I really love about this site is the study format they use–S (scripture), O (observation), A (application),...

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