During the Christmas season, it can seem like we’re being pulled in so many directions that we don’t have a moment of quiet to ourselves much less to slow down and get into God’s word. Listening to the Bible is a great way to get God’s word in your heart as you go throughout your day. This is one of my favorite ways to connect with Jesus and I think you’ll find it helpful, too!
Ep. 9: The Surprising Super Power of Giving Thanks
With the year we’ve all had, we can struggle to focus on the good. It’s easier to see what is going wrong than what is going right. God knew that for us to lift our eyes to him it would take a sacrifice of praise. We would need to give thanks.
Ep. 8: Handling Emotions in Health Ways During Hard Times with Michelle Diercks
Right now as our kids boomerang in and out of distance learning or have transitioned completely to homeschooling, emotions can run high as we all make adjustments. There can be many tears from them and us! It leaves us wondering, how do we navigate these...
Ep. 7: How Busy Moms Can Find the Time to Focus on Jesus
The sunlight streamed through the playroom window as I settled into my favorite chair. The smell of coffee greeted me like an old friend and I reached for my Bible. Then I heard it. The patter of little feet on the wood floor. My quiet time I had longed for was cut short once again.
Ep. 6: Finding Hope in the Middle of the Chaos with Stacey Thacker
This week Stacey Thacker shares how she clung to God even when her husband had a sudden cardiac arrest and her daughter was diagnosed with an illness that led to regular doctor visits. Through it all she stuck close to God, but not in a way you might expect.
Ep. 5: How to Fight Exhaustion and Focus on Jesus
Exhaustion can zap our strength to pour into our families, ourselves, and our relationship with Jesus. When we can barely tuck our kids into bed at night, how are we supposed to read our Bible or spend time with God?