New Year New Writers!

I have some exciting announcements to share!This year I'm bringing on two more writers to Over A Cup. Cindy Cain, my mom, and Amber Leech, my sister. You might remember them from their God Stories: Cindy and Amber.Cindy brings with her over 30 years...

The Christmas Hat

On Friday night, Jeremy and I were out Christmas shopping after eating out at Ted's Escondido. When we got ready to leave Target, it was drizzling freezing rain, and I realized I didn't have my hat. This wasn't just any hat. It was a knit black one I...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy the holidays with your family. Thank you for your support this year. I'll be back next in the New Year with some exciting announcements! Love you all! God Bless,t.

When Rules Don’t Work

At a friend's baby shower recently, another friend and I got into a conversation about how scary it is raise kids these days, especially boys because of all the access to nudity and other things we don't want them to see. Twenty five years ago, boy moms had to...

God Story ~ God Shows Up

This month I'm excited to bring you the God Story of Carol Brazel, one of our missionaries to Belgium. She has served on the mission field in Antwerp, Belgium, with her husband Paul since 1986 and raised three children there. I have found Carol's story such an...

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