You are Special!
Today as I remembered all my friends God has blessed me with on our travels over the last year, I was reminded of how all of us have special gifts that allow us to give back and encourage others. One of my friends is blessed with a heart of faith. If God tells her...
Fiction Friday ~ Beautiful
Beautiful...Here the buildings created a kind of wonder. They sparkled in the sun light and reflected the mass of clouds passing over the blue sky in their many diamond like windows. They spoke of time, and influence, and money. Someone had put a lot of thought into...
God’s Story ~ Jana Jenkins
“Share one of your God stories?” I was asked…..I do have so many to choose….hundreds, thousands….but right now I am in an unfinished God story. I know from experience that it is going to be an awesome story because the risks are so high…potential for failure so real....
Redeeming the Past
This week I saw the end of a evangelism series by Terry Rush. His point as he closed was that when we are convinced of our forgiveness in Christ and love others and each other as He intends us to, then we will be more effective at reaching others for Christ....
Fiction Friday ~ In Between
In Between...Sarah drove to work on the crowded freeway. Normally she was at work before anyone else, but today she'd taken the morning off to wrap up loose ends from her trip. She'd just ended up cutting off a few in the process.Now what to do, she thought. She'd...
God is There!
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. ~ 2 Cor. 4:17Quick SipWhile I was doing my quiet time this morning and pondering heaven and what it would be like, the thought came to me, "It doesn't matter. I...