Baby Steps Toward Trust
You have said, "Seek my face," My heart says to you, "Your face, Lord, do I seek." ~Psalms 27:8It is always amazing to me the lessons God teaches when I take the time to seek his face. As I have been seeking him this week, he has been, once again, teaching me about...
What makes a home?
Cole Farm, Haskell, OK Ethan: "Not home. We're going to the new house." Quick SipThis was a statement Ethan made repeatedly our first month and a half here. Whenever we were out, and he asked where we were going next, and I replied "Home." This is what he...
Ephesians ~ Week 4
"This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel."~Eph. 3:6, ESVI don't think we in this century have the ability to wrap our mind around just how revolutionary this mystery...
So as you may remember, I've been on this journey to find home this year. "Home" is my word for the year. Ironically, we have now lived in 4 places in the last 11 months. What has moving this many times in the last year taught me about home? This last time it taught...
Have you ever had one of those times that it seems like you just can't get caught up. No matter how well you schedule to get everything done something keeps getting set aside again and again. Right now for me that something is Liam's quilt. For weeks I've been trying...
Daily Quiet Time: Eph. 2:8-22
There is so much I saw that I want to dig into as I read our verses this week. What it meant to be aliens in that time period, being God's workmanship, our bodies being a temple...These few verses are just packed.In a class on Ephesians I was in a few years ago,...