10 Best Books for Christmas

10 Best Books for Christmas

Finding Christmas gifts can be a struggle. I am one of those who never knows what to get anyone, unless I get books. Books are my favorite as my coffee tables, bookcases, and nightstands will attest. Each year I buy way more books than I could possibly read and...

The Value of a Mother

I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. 2 Tim. 1:5 The hardest thing for me to learn as a new mother was that this job is as valuable as my...

FMF: Thirteen

Thirteen. This FMF prompt is actually very hard for me. This fall my oldest son turns nine. That number makes me count the days. Nine. Halfway to the sorta “done” mark. I know parents are never truly done. However, at 18 something shifts. You’re...

FMF: Done

Done. I am done. Whew! Deep sigh. Looking at the next 6 months I just want to quit. “It’s too much, God!” I want to yell and throw my hands in the air. “What are you thinking!?” Then he reminds me, I’m right. I can’t do it...

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