Fiction Friday ~ Present

Present……stay here and run the ranch with Will, but that had never really been her dream. She longed to do something that would change the world. Change someone’s present circumstances more than giving them well feed beef. As Sarah pulled into the...

Fiction Friday ~ Beautiful

Beautiful…Here the buildings created a kind of wonder. They sparkled in the sun light and reflected the mass of clouds passing over the blue sky in their many diamond like windows. They spoke of time, and influence, and money. Someone had put a lot of thought...

Fiction Friday ~ In Between

In Between…Sarah drove to work on the crowded freeway. Normally she was at work before anyone else, but today she’d taken the morning off to wrap up loose ends from her trip. She’d just ended up cutting off a few in the process.Now what to do, she...

Fiction Friday ~ Rhythm

 Rhythm…”But, Sarah,” Will said, “I thought we’d found our rhythm. I thought we’d figured all that out. You can go on missions trips in the summer and save the world, while I stay here and wait for you to come back to Cresent,...

Fiction Friday ~ Listen

It’s been six weeks or so since I’ve participated. Being sick and moving will do that to you : ) Oh, well. I’m back, and I can’t wait to get started! Here’s more of Sarah’s story with the word…Listen…”What do...

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