Accomplishing Relationships–What?!
While reading today, I came across the following question:“Spend a few moments think what you are still counting in your relationship with God. Is it failures? Minutes in prayer? Number of converts? If you find yourself doing these things, ask God to help you receive...
Growing Pains….
Wow! Time is going so fast! Ethan will be 4 mo old next week. Crazy. I think the hardest thing for me to learn right now is that relationships trump all. For example, on Friday I had my neat little list of all the house cleaning, laundry, and chores I planned to get...
The Youngest Pack Leader…
Yesterday I began working on making Ethan a pack leader over the dogs. I had him help me feed them. To do that he sat by the food bowls to show the dogs the food was his and not theirs. It went pretty well. Sunni wouldn’t even eat out of her bowl till we had given it...
Out of the Comfortable
Reading Crazy Love by Chan, I’m convicted that I need to change some things. I need to not only show up everyday and sit with God, but I also need to put the ideas he gives me during that time into practice. I cannot begin to tell you how hard acting on these good...
Showing Up
In small group, we’re reading the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. At the very least the book is a discouraging look at where we are now. At the most it is a powerful call to action for the church to express its “Crazy Love” for Christ.While reading it, at times I...
Finally Bouncing…and other updates
Ethan is growing and changing so much! I just love watching him learn. I really can’t imagine anything I would enjoy more : )This week he learned to “hang on” while I carry him. He hooks his little around my shoulder as I carry him facing toward me. This for him is a...