Fiction Friday ~ Rhythm

 Rhythm…”But, Sarah,” Will said, “I thought we’d found our rhythm. I thought we’d figured all that out. You can go on missions trips in the summer and save the world, while I stay here and wait for you to come back to Cresent,...

Fiction Friday ~ Listen

It’s been six weeks or so since I’ve participated. Being sick and moving will do that to you : ) Oh, well. I’m back, and I can’t wait to get started! Here’s more of Sarah’s story with the word…Listen…”What do...

Fiction Firday ~ Friends

Friends…”…The people over there need me. My friends there need me. One little girl I worked with my first week in Romania had disappeared when I came back a few weeks later. Her brother didn’t know what had happened to her.””But why...

Fiction Friday ~ Jump

“So why the big blog announcement?” Will asked gripping the counter. “Why didn’t we discuss it first. I am your fiance, or was, I guess.”Sarah sat down at the breakfast nook table and took the tea cup in her hands soaking in it’s...

Fiction Friday ~ Here

Here…”….we both know here is where you belong. Your family has been the backbone of this town for generations. You love it here! And when you’re out there on your horse, Blue, looking after the cattle on your ranch…The way you see God...

Fiction Friday ~ After

After…”After my last mission trip, I got to thinking, ‘This is what I want to be doing. This is where I’m meant to be!’ But I know that’s not where you want to be, Will. I know it’s not where your heart is,” Sarah...

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